March 31, 2011

How To Steal Like an Artist

This article is fantastic. It's by Austin Kleon, who's known for creating Newspaper Blackout poems. He recently gave a talk about being an artist, and then published said talk on line. It's very good, I highly recommend it:

How To Steal Like An Artist

March 22, 2011

Medusa by Nick DiLiberto

Really nice short:

I like how this is an action film with a very unique look. It starts in action and never lets up. I kinda wish we got a better read on the Medusa at the beginning but the rest is really good. Awesome work.

Found on

March 2, 2011

Drawing Inspiration

Here's a great short called Drawing Inspiration:

Drawing Inspiration from Wesley Louis on Vimeo.

Even better is the production blog:

The thing I like about the blog is how it developed. The main wino character changed pretty dramatically from the beginning to the end. I love the page of faces that he did, trying to find the face. I think he made a great choice going with a more stylized look.

Great stuff.